A Portfolio of Our Recent Projects
Presidential Home
Location: New Jersey
When refurbishing the grounds of this former President’s childhood home, an ADA-compliant material that was true to the period was needed. To meet the practical and aesthetic needs of the project, Organic-Lock was the chosen solution. The path will have a slightly loose feel under foot, while offering the stability to handle wheelchairs after the rain passes.
Photo Credit: Sponzilli Landcape Group, Inc.
Louisville Waterfront Park
Location: Louisville, KY
Often heralded as a particularly brilliant use of public space, The Louisville Waterfront Park shows what some dedication and innovative design can do. After suffering washout from a flood in 2018, The City of Louisville and Waterfront Development worked with Stancills to custom match what remained of the existing path mix. The results were spot on and helped to rebuild one of the most beautiful public spaces in the country.
Fair Hill Equine Special Event Zone
Location: Maryland
Home to Breeder’s Cup and Kentucky Derby winners, Fair Hill Training Center stands as the preeminent equestrian training facility in the region. Fair Hill has worked with Stancills to develop footing layers for both of their training tracks as well as other areas needing attention.
School Steps
Location: Northern New Jersey
After suffering years of washouts using several different products, our client opted to employ a design that would lessen the slope with steps, add drains to control run off and use ORGANIC-LOCK binder to handle slopes nearing 20%.
Photo Credit: Sponzilli Landcape Group, Inc.
Amazon River Forest
Location: Baltimore, Maryland – National Aquarium in Baltimore
When trying to create an authentic experience, one that fully immerses the visitors’ senses, details matter. As you enter the Amazon River Forest Exhibit, most notable is the immediate rise in humidity, followed by the various sounds of the birds that now call Baltimore home, and the towering and lush flora. With all of this to process we would not be insulted if you overlooked….the dirt. Well thankfully the designers of this massive exhibit had the foresight to consider the opinions of the Giant Waxy Tree Frog and the Emerald Tree Boa.
The Kennedy Center
Location: Washington, D.C.
After years of planning, redevelopment and expansion, one of our Nation’s Capitols most (recognized/revered) sites was finally completed in 2019. “The Grove” located at the southernmost tip of THE REACH hosts 35 Ginko trees in honor of our 35th President.
Giving the area its pronounced dark gray look, Stabilizer Solutions binder was blended into our English Grey path mix.

Stancill’s SkyGarden offers our standard green roof media blends as well as the opportunity to modify the mix to meet the specific needs of your selected plants or unique roof conditions.

We are approved to offer MDSHA bio and topsoil as well as MDE B.4.1. bioretention soils. We are certified to blend DNREC Bio-14 as well as several other bio soil blends

These mixes are an attractive alternative to traditional walkways and meet ADA-compliance requirements

We offer three options of ball field mixes, as well as warning tracks, turf soils, and custom blends.

We offer custom blends for your unique projects. We offer custom blends for your unique projects. We offer custom blends for your unique projects.

Contact Us
Otis Harrison
Chris Siciliano
Kyle Bailey
Stancills, Inc.
499 Mountain Hill Road
Perryville, MD 21903