Custom Equestrian Footing
Stancills, Inc. makes high performance riding surfaces for all equestrian disciplines.
Our design team has a combined background in equestrian sports, soil science and construction, creating the perfect knowledge base to make unique riding surfaces for unique clients.
With footings that range from standard sand-only mixtures to more complex surfaces that include synthetic components, Stancills has a footing to fit every performance need.
Stancills, Inc. blends for Attwood Equestrian Surfaces, and is an approved blender for GGT Footing.

Stancill’s SkyGarden offers our standard green roof media blends as well as the opportunity to modify the mix to meet the specific needs of your selected plants or unique roof conditions.

We are approved to offer MDSHA bio and topsoil as well as MDE B.4.1. bioretention soils. We are certified to blend DNREC Bio-14 as well as several other bio soil blends

These mixes are an attractive alternative to traditional walkways and meet ADA-compliance requirements

We offer three options of ball field mixes, as well as warning tracks, turf soils, and custom blends.

We offer custom blends for your unique projects. We offer custom blends for your unique projects. We offer custom blends for your unique projects.

Contact Us
Otis Harrison
Chris Siciliano
Kyle Bailey
Stancills, Inc.
499 Mountain Hill Road
Perryville, MD 21903